Starving Sea Lion Pups and Liquified Starfish — How We’ve Turned the Eastern Pacific into A Death Trap for Marine Species

As of late January, the news reports were coming in hot and heavy. Baby sea lions were dying in droves. More than 15,000 of the pups were already lost due to starvation. And with each passing week, more than 100 of the emaciated, beleaguered, hopeless animals were washing up on California shores.

The pups staggered across beaches, wandered into vacant lots, or tottered, disoriented, along roadways. Refugees all to some unspeakable disaster. Orphans lost or abandoned by parents unable to provide them with even the most basic of sustenance. Source:

GR:  Warming ocean with falling oxygen level may explain this growing disaster.  Maps in evidence are included.  The author points to a more deadly situation that could arise if atmospheric CO2 levels continue to climb to and beyond 800ppm. Then it’s silo (bunker) time folks.

3 thoughts on “Starving Sea Lion Pups and Liquified Starfish — How We’ve Turned the Eastern Pacific into A Death Trap for Marine Species

  1. And what about Fukushima? The reactors have been dumping 30000 tons a day since 2011 of nuclear waste. Still think its global warming, or El Nino?

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