Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona, Second Edition

The second edition of the field guide for local weeds is out on Amazon.

Rogers, Garry. 2023. Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona, Second Edition. Coldwater Press, Humboldt, AZ. 336 p.

This edition has added weeds and a fully revised introduction. Dewey-Humboldt is in an arid valley at 4700 feet. The Town’s habitats range from dry upland slopes to the moist banks of the Agua Fria River. The weed flora has species that are common in the hot Sonoran Desert to the south, the cool Mojave Desert to the west, and the cold Great Basin Desert to the north. You can download a free PDF copy of the book here.

I corrected several small errors found in the proof and replaced the PDF file. Clearly, I should never be the final editor before publication. There are more small errors that will be fixed as I find them. Use email to grcoldh2o@gmail.com to request a corrected PDF.


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