Zero Arctic Sea Ice Very Likely By 2020 !

GR: Zero Arctic sea ice will have dramatic (no, dramatic isn’t strong enough) or should I say traumatic effects on weather. Learn more about what’s just around the corner with these educational videos by Paul Beckwith.

“There is a very high probability that the Arctic sea ice will essentially vanish by the end of summer melt in 2020 or earlier. The ice-free duration would likely be less than one-month in September for this first “blue-ocean” event.” –Paul Beckwith.

3 thoughts on “Zero Arctic Sea Ice Very Likely By 2020 !

  1. This is sobering. I found myself wondering, “Do I talk about this with my friends or not?” as most are still dealing with effects from last year’s earthquake.I did mention it to friends in Colorado, who are definitely concerned…

    People here on Ecuador’s coast live very close to the land. No air conditioning and no forced heat. The climate once upon a time was perfect, though it seems to be warming up.. Few people have freezers; some have refrigerators. They use bamboo often for inexpensive housing… Bicycles are often used – or lots of people walk… next is transport via motorcycles or collective truck taxis.. only the wealthier people have autos.. the public transportation bus system works well through the country… the biggest problem here is deforestation, but the poor people are not the ones cutting down the forests… So what can I suggest that might help slow down the runaway train?



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